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Bay Lines – Beach of Dreams finale events, Friday 25 – Monday 28 August.

We are fast approaching the bank holiday weekend and we are looking forward to the culmination of a creative arts journey around 120 miles of the Morecambe Bay coast in which many locals have taken part, shared their stories, pictures and hopes for the future.

You can find out more about the whole project here, which is part of our grant-funded Ways around the Bay programme, to promote active travel and low-carbon tourism in Morecambe Bay.

Bay Lines - Beach of Dreams | Morecambe Bay Partnership (waysaroundthebay.org.uk)

Stricklandgate House, 92 Stricklandgate, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 4PU

morecambebay.org.uk | Donate and support our work | Registered Charity: 1173489

Please see information poster available to download below

Notice Date: 25/08/2023