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Prevention of Vehicle Crime

It takes a few seconds to steal from a vehicle, many of these crimes are from unlocked vehicles.

Never leave items on display, such as shopping bags, handbags, or coats. Don’t leave spare keys or sat navs in your vehicle, even in the glove box.

At home, don’t leave car keys in clear view from windows or in reach from the letter box. Hook and canes can be used to steal keys through letter boxes. High value and performance cars can be specifically targeted for this type of crime.

Never leave the engine running, especially in frosty weather, car thieves know that people do this.

If you use your vehicle for work, remove your tools or other valuables if possible. Simple things like reversing onto the drive so that the rear doors on a van can’t be opened easily will help to put thieves off.

Park where the vehicle can be well seen, even if it means walking a bit further. Don’t park behind bushes, walls or large vehicles because this gives criminals somewhere to hide. At night try to park in residential areas because people are more likely to be at home not at work.

When using a car park, remove all items on display and think about when you will be returning to the car – will it be dark, if so is there a safer area to park nearer to a street light.

Consider steering locks, alarms, tracking devices and immobilisers and if you have them, use them.

Use anti-tamper or security screws on your registration plate – they can be easily fitted but can’t be removed using standard tools. These are available from various online retailers, DIY and vehicle maintenance stores.

HGV’s and plant are often targeted for diesel theft. Devices are available to buy to help combat this however good security of compounds, lighting, good quality CCTV and natural surveillance will all help to deter this type of crime.

Remember, vehicle crime is an occupation for some people, don’t make your vehicle an easy target for them.

Keeping your keyless car safe

Store your keys away from household entry points. Keeping your keyless entry fob out of sight is not enough - thieves only need to get close to the key to amplify the signal. Faraday Bags can be purchased online and in stores, these will prevent your signal being intercepted and your vehicle stolen.

Despite social media or public opinion DO NOT leave keys in the fridge, microwave or a tin as this may do more damage to the key and is unlikely to be effective.

Review your car security. Check for after market security devices such as steering locks or trackers, which are proven to deter thieves. If your vehicle has a manufacturer's installed tracker, check with your insurance before you alter it as it may invalidate your insurance.

Contact your dealer and talk about the digital features in your car. Have there been any software updates you can take advantage of?

If you have a garage, use it.

See how quickly criminals use these methods to gain keyless entry to a car in the West Midlands:

Message Sent By

Will Pomroy
(Police, PCSO, Morecambe)

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Notice Date: 23/01/2024