07437 830438
Carbon copy, download your carbon story
Carbon copy, download your carbon story
Good Afternoon,
The UK is soon to host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 31st October – 12th November 2021.
Carbon Copy are gathering case studies from around the country and are looking for projects big or small, in pilot stage or fully implemented, worked on together with other people that have/are in the process of being implemented in your area.
In order for Carbon Copy to publish your Carbon Story online, please describe it by filling in the template attached to this email and return your completed form to: communityconnectors@lancaster.
Please note that Lancaster City Council will use any case studies submitted, to showcase local action.
We look forward to receiving your story.
Kind Regards
Community Connector Team
Additional Documents
Carbon Story_ZCT template v3.pdf