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As we brace for a scorching week in Lancashire, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and prioritize safety. High temperatures increase the risk of wildfires and water-related incidents. Here are some essential safety measures to follow:

Barbecue Safety and Wildfire Prevention: Preventing wildfires is everyone's responsibility:

Avoid using disposable barbecues or starting campfires in the countryside. Even a small spark can lead to a large wildfire in dry conditions. Dispose of cigarettes properly. Make sure they are completely extinguished and disposed of in a safe manner. Do not leave bottles or glass in the sun. They can focus sunlight and start a fire.

Open Water Safety: While lakes and reservoirs may look inviting, they can be dangerous:

Do not swim in open water. Cold water shock can affect even the strongest swimmers. Be aware of hidden hazards. Underwater currents, weeds, and debris can pose significant risks.

Safety Reminders for the Week:

No swimming in open water. No barbecues or campfires on moorlands.

Let’s enjoy the warm weather while keeping Lancashire safe. Your cooperation in following these guidelines is crucial and greatly appreciated. Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine!

Message Sent By
Lucinda Heavyside
(Lancashire Fire & Rescue, Communications Apprentice, Lancashire)

In The Know - Lancashire

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Notice Date: 31/07/2024